You have been set apart by God for his purpose. Your life, your body is not your own, they belong to God. The word Sanctification means "The Process of Making Someone Holy, acceptable to God". Sanctification does not stop when you join a church, Sanctification is a divine work being wrought in you by God's Holy Spirit. You need to be sanctified.
God is holy, no human being or thing shares the holiness of God's essential nature. Isaiah 6:3 says: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” There is one God. Yet Scripture speaks about holy things. Moreover, God calls human beings to be holy —
Another word for a holy person is saint meaning the sanctified one. The sanctification of human beings, therefore, is the highest goal of God's work on earth. God’s will and purpose was for us to be like him in a way no other creature thing is. In Leviticus 11:44, the bible goes even further and says “For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with any swarming thing that crawls on the ground. Sanctification is God’s will for YOU. Sanctification is setting something apart for special use; the sanctification of a person is to make him holy. Prior to salvation, Your behavior bore witness to Your standing in the world in separation from God, but now with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Your behavior should bear witness to Your standing before God in separation from the world. Those who are being sanctified are becoming more like Christ. Jesus Christ was the only human being since the fall to live a continuously, perfectly sanctified life. He was without sin, therefore, without guilt or dysfunctionality. He was sanctified from the moment of his conception. He was rightly called the "Holy One of God" sanctified by the Father. In his character, therefore, Jesus Christ was morally sanctified and vocationally sanctified. Christ accomplished and fulfilled his purpose. He sanctified himself by fulfilling his unique calling as the Messiah, being declared the Son of God at his resurrection. Jesus Christ, therefore, is the model human being for both moral and vocational sanctification.
The Holy Spirit is the dynamic of sanctification. Jesus said that he had to go away so that the Holy Spirit would indwell believers. The "Holy" Spirit is so named not because he is more holy than the Father and the Son, but because his specific ministry is the work sanctification in YOU and me.